Recently I had the opportunity to spot what looked like a gem of a stream in route to a backpacking trip in the Uintas that I had previously never seen. I told myself that I would return soon. I have been on a kick where I am really trying to explore new waters. This stream gave me that opportunity. Having a couple weeks to get my sanity back before school starts I figured I'd go. I asked my brother Trav if he wanted to come mostly as a courtesy, and I had a "faith in miracles" building moment when he said, "Yes!" I couldn't believe it, but was ecstatic for the opportunity to get him out and enjoy part of a day on the river together. I go through cycles with my fishing. Sometimes it's about numbers. Sometimes it's about size. Sometimes it's about just getting out. But lately it has been about the associations that fishing brings me. I can enjoy the solitude of fishing alone at times, but I love standing in the river with good company, having a good chat, with nothing to worry about other than not setting the hook too quickly on a rising trout coming up chasing a stimulator. This day was no different. Had a great time with my brother. One I will not soon forget!
We arrived, and after 30 minutes of Trav piddle farting with his gear, and another 30 minutes of work related phone calls, I finally got Trav in the river. And I got the pictures to prove it!
Thanks for the time bro. We need to do it again soon!