Being a stillwater fisherman (or trying to be) and living in northern Utah, one thing is certain: March and April are brutal waiting for the ice to come off all the honey holes! This year we decided to expand our horizons a bit and hit a southern Utah stillwater we have never hit before. We got some good information from sources who had wet a line on it last week and hit the road. We were on the water at first light and it didn't take us long to get into the fish. We had 4 fish on the line within 20 minutes or so and thought we were in for one of those epic ice-off days. But someone must have inadvertently hit the switch, because it turned off quickly! We didn't have as much as a hit working many bays and shorelines for the next 4 hours. We decided it was time to kick back to the truck and eat lunch. Tyler was able to pick a couple more fish up on the kick back and a few hits here and there got our hopes back up.
After reaching shore we decided that we'd give another stillwater just up the road a shot as we had never been there either. We arrived and talked to an old timer who was very willing to give us the low down on how things were going. We were optimistic getting back into the water. Fishing started slow but when we found the fish it turned on hot and fast. Blake was having a hard time keeping fish off the line while Tyler was hanging out with his family on the shore. We all were able to get some good action at our second location. The olive stillwater bug seemed to be the ticket! It was great to see some new water and that definitely won't be the last time we visit these places. Nothing of trophy size was caught but some of these fish were plump footballs for sure.
Tyson picks up the first fish of the day.
Tyler picking one up on our way back to the truck for the day.
It was a great day boys. Unfortunately it wasn't nearly enough so that just means we have to get out and get er done again ASAP!