Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Layout Hunt

Travis and Blake were able to take the new Bonneville Layout Boat out to shoot some birds.  It started off slow.  The birds finally rolled in, but Trav couldn't get his shots straight.  Rumor has it that he was through 2/3rd's of a box before hit his first bird.  But then got in a groove and got these three nice birds.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Jewelry

I was able to head out to the BRBR for a good hunt.  More jewelry came along with it.  Can't complain about how this year has started.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Utah Opener 09

We had quite the crew out and about on the opener this year.  Paul, Trav, Tyson, Tyler, Blake, Chase, Ryan, Kelly, and Jake all came out gunning that day.  Ryan also brought his boy out with us to get him broke in a bit to what a real opener looks like.  We headed out to the normal spot at Ogden Bay.  The phrag had been sprayed and was dead everywhere around us.  For the first time in 15 years our pond had taken on a different shape.  The phrag for the first time had moved inward and cut about 1/3 of the pond off.  It's good to see the work out there that will open up so much huntable water for everyone to enjoy, and especially for the birds!

We were able to get a limit for all 9 of us.  Mostly teal, a handful of gadwalls, and some mallards and wigeon mixed in as well.  What a great day.....a perfect start to the season!
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